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A message from the Mayor of Milton Keynes

This year I will be running a Christmas Card design competition to find the perfect design to send to colleagues and associates this Christmas.

I am looking for the most Christmassy design – don’t hold back! We only ask that glitter and shiny materials are not used in the design as this may affect the quality of the scanned submission and final electronic design.

Competition guidelines:

  1. The competition is open to children attending Mainstream schools up to Year 6 and pupils attending Special Schools up to Year 14 plus home schooled children in these year groups.

  2. Please send your designs to us electronically (in PDF format where possible), and draw them so they fit on an A4 or A5 sheet.

  3. Deadline for entry is Sunday 6 November.

  4. The Mayor will judge the entries w/c 7 November and the winner will be contacted shortly after. The design will be then finalised for electronic submission.

The design must be submitted to, please include the artists name, age and contact details (phone and email) for a parent/guardian. The winners parent/guardian will be contacted before distribution commences.

I look forward to looking at all the fantastic designs in the near future.

Mayor of Milton Keynes

Councillor Amanda Marlow


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