Abbey Hill Golf club members bar has been going since 1975 providing an opportunity for the people of Milton Keynes to play golf.

While the golf club itself has changed hands from Milton Keynes Council, to Greene King and more recently Burhill, the one consistent element is the golf club supports the local community with over 350 members using the club for competitions, relaxation and exercise.
We have raised monies in the past for various charities such as Willen Hospice, MK Hospital and others and we also recently donated our old pool table to the local YMCA. We regularly hold events for birthdays, anniversaries and have regular events in association with stepping stones and other organizations.
With the increase in costs around the country and specifically in the electric bills, we have decided to invest in the future and are currently running a crowd funding event to help raise money to purchase solar panels. Installing 81 solar panels will be the equivalent of planting 650 trees a year which will benefit the environment. Any support will be appreciated.