Last week, leading shopping destination centre:mk hosted the second heat of the MK Bikeability Olympics in their large events space, Middleton Hall.

The Bikeability Olympics is an annual event organised by Cycling Citizens MK, an alliance of pro-cycling businesses, schools and community groups in partnership with MK City Council and supported by cycling brand Trek. The event aims to encourage more cycling to school by celebrating the achievements of primary school pupils in Bikeability courses and raising awareness of the health and environmental benefits of cycling.
135 pupils from 27 Milton Keyes primary schools competed in teams in 5 heats taking place in various locations across the city. Each heat comprised of different contests designed to challenge Level 1 and Level 2 Bikeability skills through the competition. The challenges included an obstacle course, a slow race and a relay race. Feedback has been positive, and the children really enjoyed the events, and parents and teachers have noticed an increase in confidence in them.
Due to safety restrictions in the busy indoor malls, special arrangements were made to allow the children to walk their bikes into the centre and cycle in the marked area of the event.
Kevin Duffy, Centre Director at centre:mk said, “We were delighted to host the second heat of the MK Bikeability Olympics. The event is a fantastic opportunity to engage young people in cycling and teach them the skills they need to cycle safely and we’re glad that our event space in Middleton Hall could help facilitate that.”
The remaining heats will take place over the coming weeks and the overall winner will be crowned in the final on 7th July, but all pupils taking part will be coming away with confidence in their ability to cycle to and from school safely.