At tonight’s MKCC Full Council Meeting, Cllr David Hopkins will be calling for action to address the lack of HGV driver facilities across Milton Keynes.

Initially prompted by an issue in Little Brickhill where HGV drivers have been parking up overnight on various parts of the old A5 (Watling Street) that passes through the village, the issue has grown as HGV’s and other goods vehicles use the dame areas for daytime rest periods and stacking in advance of their slots at the numerous Warehousing facilities now dotted in and around MK.
Cllr Hopkins comments, ‘Logistics is now one of the most important employment sectors across MK with massive warehouses taking up significant areas of employment land attracting thousands of heavy goods vehicles and
lighter delivery vehicles into and out of the city every day. However, MK City Council has failed to
allocate land for a serviced Lorry Park and has not required the developers of such sites to provide land
where drivers can rest, stay overnight and use decent facilities for showering etc. So drivers seek out
stops where they can, often in neighbouring rural areas or even within city estates’.
Cllr Hopkins continues,
‘If we wish to see this sector continue to grow, we must build in requirements into the new version of
the local plan (MK 2050) to plan facilities that meet this pressing need’