When Ofsted last visited in February to carry out a full inspection, they rated the school as Good overall and Outstanding in personal development for children.

Head teacher, Sarah Kotulecki, was delighted with the recognition. “We pride ourselves on providing many different opportunities for children and families in West Bletchley. Our motto is “Let your light shine.”
There are so many academic and creative ways in which children at our school can shine - in sports, dance, music and science - or through our links with other community organisations supporting people in our community.”
Since September, the school has taken part in Motus Dance Jump Start, Music for Youth, and
specialist nurture lessons from the Music Hub. Cold Harbour has teamed up with Cranfield University
for the Ingenious STEM project and with the MK Sinfonia Orchestra. And if that were not enough,
the school won the Mayor’s Awards for the Top Cycling Primary School in the City.
Just as important to Mrs Kotulecki and the school are strong links with the local community.
Children, parents and staff work with residents of local care homes, building strong links between
generations. ‘We really value these interactions. Our children are not only benefiting from the new
experience but socializing with different generations allows them to appreciate how we can all so
easily give something back.’
This sense of community is also evident inside the school. Lots of building work has been carried out
to improve the learning spaces for children. An outdoor walking and running track has been installed.
It is where everyone from the Head teacher to children in reception can be found joining in the Daily
Mile walk. Mrs Kotulecki says, “Many of us come together on the Daily Mile to walk and chat about
the things we are doing. It brings everyone together in the open air.”
This is all a far cry from the recent past. The school had for the previous six years been rated as
requiring improvement. Mrs Kotulecki is very proud of the overall Good rating, and in particular of
the Outstanding for children’s personal development. “A school should be there to help children to
grow, academically and personally. That’s why these additional opportunities are so important, and
make such a difference. It is wonderful when children shine in so many different ways.”And the children themselves really value the different opportunities.
“We are very lucky at our school,” one told Ofsted. Parents, too, are fully behind Cold Harbour. “The school has always supported both our children. We cannot recommend this school highly enough.”
Want to see how it all works, and how it makes their pupils’ light shine?
Why not arrange a visit? 01908 270377 or email:office@coldharbour.milton-keynes.sch.uk