Milton Keynes City Council is seeking local people’s thoughts on how the former fire and police station in Bletchley should be developed.

The site’s development brief sets out a blueprint for developers to come forward with proposals, which could include a residential-led mixed use scheme. It also guides builders on how they need to follow the City Council’s strict environmental policies. Local people are asked to respond to a consultation on the brief which will guide future proposals.
Demolition of the old fire station was completed last year, paving the way for a new development that meets the needs of the community. Both the fire and police stations had been previously transferred their services to nearby stations.
The Milton Keynes Development Partnership (MKDP) owns the site and will be working closely with the Council and partners to take the proposals forward. Milton Keynes Development Partnership uses and develops its land assets to help the city to become an even better place to live, work and visit. It is owned by Milton Keynes City Council.
The consultation is open until 7 October and is available to view on the Council’s website.