A General Election will take place on 4 July 2024 with voters required to show ID at polling stations.

Last year, the UK Government introduced a requirement for voters to show photo ID when voting at a polling station at some elections. This will apply to the General Election on 4 July. Some voters will be familiar with this as the rule applied in the 2023 and May 2024 local elections.
The forms of ID that are accepted are:
• Passport
• Driving licence (including provisional license)
• Blue Badge
• Certain concessionary travel cards
• Identity card with PASS mark (this includes the All in 1 MK card)
• Biometric Immigration Document
• Defence Identity Card
• Certain national identity cards
You can still use these forms of ID, even if they have expired, provided the photo remains a good likeness of you. If you don’t have this type of ID, you will need to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate at voter-authority-certificate.service.gov.uk or request a paper copy by contacting the city council on 01908 254706 or emailing elections@milton-keynes.gov.uk.
The deadline to apply for this is 5pm 26 June.
In recent General Elections, the city has had two parliamentary constituencies – MK North and MK South. Following a review by The Boundary Commission for England, Milton Keynes now has three constituencies – Buckingham and Bletchley, Milton Keynes Central and Milton Keynes North, which will all be contested on 4 July.
To check which constituency you are eligible to vote in and further information about the General Election, please visit the city council’s elections page.
The deadline to register to vote for these elections is midnight on Tuesday 18 June. If you have already registered to vote, you will be sent a poll card in early – mid June.
If you’re unsure if you are registered to vote you can call Milton Keynes City Council on 01908 254706 or email elections@milton-keynes.gov.uk to check. Registering to vote is simple and takes less than five minutes.
You’ll need your National Insurance number. Register online.