Across Milton Keynes University Hospital, there has been a significant rise in the number of patients presenting with flu, respiratory syncytial viruses (RSV) and Covid symptoms.

As a result, we are encouraging visitors to take extra care and precautions when on the hospital site to protect themselves and others.
If you are visiting the hospital, either as a patient or relative, we would ask that you follow the below guidelines:
All staff and visitors must wear a face mask when in a clinical environment. Face masks are not mandatory in common areas of the hospital (for example, corridors, restaurants etc) but are still widely encouraged
Please do not attend the hospital if you are feeling unwell and have any symptoms of flu or Covid
Visiting is allowed in all in-patient wards, however for the safety of all, total numbers in any location is at the discretion of our ward managers. If they believe the ward is too busy, unfortunately you may be asked to return at another time
Follow best practice hand hygiene guidance which includes sanitising your hands as you enter and exit a clinical environment. Sanitising stations are available widely across the hospital
While social distancing restrictions are not in place, please be respectful and courteous of others
The hospital remains extremely busy so please only attend if you have to.