A new team which combines professionals across health and social care will give residents increased support after a stay in hospital.

The initiative has been set up by Milton Keynes University Hospital, Milton Keynes City Council, and Central and North West London (CNWL) NHS Foundation Trust.
Milton Keynes has a strong reputation for safely and promptly discharging patients who are ready to go home with the support of social care, previously being ranked by an independent body as number one in England for doing so. The city council and heath partners have joint working practices to quickly arrange any home care needed.
From this week, a new service known as the MK Integrated Discharge Hub will make the experience even easier for patients and their families. A diverse team of specialists will secure the necessary support for patients leaving the hospital and ensure a smooth transition for them.
By combining services, the hub will act as a central point of contact which simplifies the process, reduces duplication, and minimises the likelihood of delays caused by moving between services – a common issue across the country.
“The collaboration between Milton Keynes University Hospital, the City Council and CNWL shows our commitment to making healthcare experiences in Milton Keynes as seamless and supportive as possible. Patients and their families should always come first and this co-ordinated approach to discharge will benefit healthcare professionals and the people under their care. Milton Keynes has always had a good reputation in this area, and we believe the introduction of the hub will enable us to continue delivering a high level of personalised care as the city expands.”
- Cllr Emily Darlington, Cabinet Member for Adults, Housing and Healthy Communities
"We are delighted to be a part of this collaborative way of improving patient discharge. We believe in a patient-centric approach, and the Integrated Discharge Hub showcases how effective communication, collaboration, and coordination, can enhance the overall well-being of our community”
- Chief Medical Officer at Milton Keynes University Hospital Ian Reckless
“By working closely with our partners in the new integrated discharge hub, we can achieve a seamless transition for patients from hospital to home. We will help people to receive the care and support they need and support them to regain and maintain their independence; hopefully preventing future hospital admission.”
- Karen French, Deputy Director for Milton Keynes Community Services
For more information about the MK Integrated Discharge Hub, please contact: integrated.dischargehub@mkuh.nhs.uk