Formal funding approval for more than £62m has now been approved by Milton Keynes Council to deliver the regeneration (Phase A) of the Lakes Estate and Serpentine Court. Phase A will see more than 200 new council homes built in the Lakes Estate for residents of Serpentine Court.
In addition to the demolition of Serpentine Court and construction of new council homes, the regeneration of the Lakes Estate will create better quality environments, enhanced local parks and open spaces, as well as new community and commercial facilities.
MK Council will now begin putting together its documentation for the tender process to appoint construction partners, which are hoped to be onsite next summer (see timeline below).
Lakes Estate ground investigations
Ground investigations will soon start across the Lakes Estate as part of the next process in the regeneration project.
What are they and why are they being done?
Ground investigations will allow us to understand the geological make-up of the ground and soils under where construction is going to take place. This is done by digging a number of trial pits / trenches and through boring into the ground, to collect samples which can be analysed in a laboratory. This information on the ground conditions will enable the detailed design of the foundations and sub-structures to be carried out, as well as assess and identify any potential risks of contamination to people and the environment.
Who is carrying them out?
MK Council has recruited engineering consultants WSP to design and manage the ground investigations. A contractor will then be brought onsite to dig the trial pits and trenches. Once the samples have been collected and laboratory analyses has been completed, WSP will use the results to inform the detailed construction and foundation designs of the new homes and buildings.
When will they start?
The work to write the ‘scope’ of the ground investigations has now mostly been completed by WSP, and the tender to recruit a contractor is expected to start soon. We anticipate ground investigation work to start onsite in early September 2021, and last for approximately six months. We’ll be able to confirm the dates once the site investigation contactor has been selected. The contractor will be responsible for ensuring Health and Safety rules are observed and provide information on what works are going to be done where and when. Please note that this work will be running in parallel to the other required pre-tender design and preparation activities.
Public Realm Update
Courtyard As
Serco have now inspected these areas with the design team and are in the process of confirming the cost of the works and getting a team together to make a start on site. As soon as we have confirmed dates for these works we will advise. The initial works will focus on rectifying the issues identified by residents including unsafe steps / manholes and removing overgrown shrubs and weeds. Following a wider clean up, the new items will be installed including seats and picnic tables.
Courtyard Bs
As above, Serco have inspected the areas and are putting together their plan to carry out the works and the costs associated with this. As soon as we have a date for the works to start on site we will let you know. Works will start with removing all debris and fly tipping and clearing the rear access paths. Once completed, the new items can be installed including the seating areas and the landscape enhancement works such as planting spring bulbs.
Play area update
Serco and MK Council landscape teams have inspected the proposed play areas, and are now confirming the cost of the works and sourcing the play equipment. We will start by constructing the NE (Grasmere Way) Jungle themed play area, and as soon as the proposals have been finalised and the orders placed, we will install a display board to share the final scheme. The second play area to be constructed will be the SW (Fern Grove) Forest Fantasy Park, followed by NW (Tummel Way) Adventure Park and SE (Laidon Close) Galaxy Park. A display will be prepared and installed at each space once the orders are placed.
What matters to you when it comes to being healthy and happy?
From Monday 2 to Friday 6 August, if you're passing the former CrossLinks shop in Serpentine Court, then please stop by and join the conversation. The NHS and the council are planning to do some work focusing on improving health and wellbeing, and we're opening the shop from 10am to 3pm daily as a place to meet and hear what local people have to say.
Serpentine Court Steering Group (SCSG)
The next meeting of the SCSG is on Tuesday 3 August at 6.30pm. If you’d like to attend, please email for the joining details.
Lakes Estate Renewal Forum
The next meeting of the Lakes Estate Renewal Forum will take place at 6.30pm on Thursday 23 September via Zoom. Come and hear the latest news and updates on key activities. If you’d like to attend the meeting or send any questions in advance, please email