Around 100 landlords have signed up to offer longer tenancies through Milton Keynes City Council’s 100% rent guarantee and cash incentive scheme.

In addition to secure rent, landlords could receive up to £6,680 as a cash incentive if they’re able to offer longer tenancies to local families who had been privately renting before being made homeless, typically as the place they’d been renting was sold by their former landlord.
The scheme is open to all landlords who are able to offer a tenancy lasting between six months and two years. Milton Keynes City Council is also offering guaranteed rent throughout the duration of the tenancy even if the tenant can’t pay.
Cabinet Member for Adults, Housing and Healthy Communities, Cllr Emily Darlington caught up with Karl who is a landlord benefiting from the scheme. Follow the link for a short video.
“We care about our tenants and it’s always nice to provide a home to a family in need. The city council’s incentive scheme and guaranteed rent makes it easier for us to do that.” - Karl, Milton Keynes landlord
The rent guarantee gives landlords an added layer of reassurance so they don’t need to worry that a tenant might fall into arrears and leave them out of pocket. The scheme also offers landlords:
Help from the council to find tenants
The opportunity to receive benefit payments directly
Free inspections to ensure a property meets Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) standards. If the property fails, landlords will be supported in bringing it up to the required standard
The cash incentive is paid in addition to any rent in advance or deposit requested. Further details about the scheme and how to apply are available on the city council’s website.
“It was great to visit Karl and hear his positive experiences, which shows that the scheme works for both landlords and tenants. We want to work alongside good landlords to get the best deals for our tenants and while ensuring we help people get the most out of these homes. It’s a fantastic deal for everyone involved and we want landlords to get in touch if they’re able to help.” - Cabinet Member for Adults, Housing and Healthy Communities, Cllr Emily Darlington