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Lib Dems back prostate cancer sanitary bin campaign

MK Lib Dems will propose a motion at Full Council on Wednesday in support of Prostate Cancer UK’s Boys NEED Bins campaign.

This week, the Lib Dems will call on the City Council to introduce sanitary bins in Council owned accessible toilets to support men who suffer from incontinence.

Incontinence is when someone is unable to control when they urinate, and often occurs among men who have conditions such as prostate cancer or bladder issues.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in the UK and as many as 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with it in their lifetime.

The campaign is seeking to provide sanitary bins in male toilets so that those who need to dispose of hygiene products can do so.

In a recent survey, Prostate Cancer UK revealed that 1 in 3 men will typically resort to carrying a bag for their sanitary waste, with most men either disposing of their waste in a public bin or taking it home with them.

Lib Dem councillors believe that installing sanitary bins in accessible toilets will help men to dispose of their waste products in a discreet and hygienic way.

Councillor Robin Bradburn, Liberal Democrat Leader on Milton Keynes City Council will move the motion.

He will ask the City Council to roll out sanitary bins in Council owned accessible toilets to help men who suffer from incontinence and to write to the city’s MP’s asking them to back the Boys NEED Bins campaign.

If the motion is passed, the City Council will also encourage other organisations in Milton Keynes to support the campaign and provide sanitary bins for their employees and for public use.

Councillor Bradburn, said:

“We are delighted to support the Boys NEED Bins campaign. For men this can be quite difficult to talk about, and as a result the issue it is often overlooked. It’s crucial that men have the correct facilities available to them to dispose of their hygiene items easily and safely.”

Although, sanitary bins in female toilets are set component, there is no current legislation in place mandating the provision of male incontinence bins.

Cabinet Member for Customer Services, Lib Dem Councillor Paul Trendall, added:

“This is an important motion and one that I am proud to be seconding. This may feel like a small change to some, but this will make a massive difference for men who suffer with incontinence. Often these men can feel trapped at home and feel anxious when leaving the house as they may struggle to find suitable facilities to dispose of their waste. This is a step forward in starting conversations about this issue, but we can’t do it all. The Government must recognise that new legislation is needed.”


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