This Friday 17 March, The Parks Trust will launch its annual competition to find two new poster designs that encourage people to stop littering in the city’s green spaces.

Run in conjunction with the Waste and Recycling team of MK City Council and coinciding with The Great British Spring Clean 2023, the competition is open to all local schools and youth groups.
Entries can be submitted any time from 17 March until the closing date of 21 April and there are two categories – one for KS1 pupils aged 5 to 7, and one for KS2 pupils aged 7 to 11. All submissions will be reviewed by an expert panel who will choose a selection of entries that go forward to a public vote.
The two winners will receive a certificate, and their posters will be displayed on noticeboards across Milton Keynes throughout the year. Winners will also earn their schools an outdoor learning session plus a set of handy litter pickers that will help staff and pupils to safely clear away any litter they come across.
The Parks Trust is a self-financing charity that undertakes around £400,000 worth of litter collection and parks cleansing every year.
Commenting on the launch, the charity’s Outdoor Learning and Interpretation Manager, Sarah Griffiths, said, “As well as looking awful, litter has a terrible impact on the local environment and presents serious problems for wildlife. We are always very grateful to the city’s schools for getting behind our litter poster competition. Local young people care deeply about this issue and their creative ideas are amazing. I can’t wait to see this year’s entries.”
Further information, including tips and a poster template are available here:
Anyone who’s keen to get involved in combatting local litter can join a Community Litter Pick, organised by The Parks Trust. The next one is on Monday 3 April at 10am in Campbell Park. Further details can be found here: