MK Labour have launched their manifesto ahead of this year’s local elections on Thursday 2ndMay, with policies focusing on support for hard-working families, getting the economy moving and helping to rebuild the local NHS system.

Labour’s key pledges include introducingbreakfast clubs across schools in Milton Keynes, fixing even more potholes and establishing a Safety, Theft, Anti-social behaviour and Retail Crime Taskforce (START).
There is a strong focus on working with partners to rebuild the city’s local NHS, tackling the long-term causes of illness and ensuring that older people are properly cared for. The party pledges to work with the NHS to improve access to Children’s Mental Health support and fight to improve the local hospital.
The manifesto also promises the building of three brand new health hubs in Milton Keynes and improve access to GP services.
Labour further pledges to support hard-working families in the city, giving young people have the chance to take advantage of the huge opportunities that living and growing up in Milton Keynes brings; with pledges to extend the popular Holiday Activity and Food scheme even further and build truly affordable homes for local young people.
Plans to Insulate more homes to cut energy bills for low-income families, improve local playparks and continue the ambition to be net-zero by 2030, are also key pledges.
Milton Keynes Labour Leader, Councillor Pete Marland, said:
“After 14 years of Conservative government it is time for a change.
The economy is stalled and hardworking people tell us every day how hard it is to make ends meet. Our local NHS is on its knees, getting a GP appointment is almost impossible and our hospital has the longest waiting lists in the country. Our police have stopped taking crimes like shoplifting and theft seriously, while violent crime in the city soars. Independent research has shown there is a £20bn road repair backlog nationally. Young families can’t get on the housing ladder anymore. After 14 years in charge, nothing works.
On top of all this, over the past decade the Conservative government has cut over £200m from Milton Keynes City Council’s budget at a time when demand for services like adult social care is rising.
Today we are launching our MK Labour Manifesto which is our plan for a better future for Milton Keynes.
We will support hardworking people, rebuild our NHS and take back our streets.
We want to get our economy moving, tackle climate change while making sure we deliver a well-run local council, balancing our budget this year without making cuts or using reserves while other councils go bust or are in the edge of financial disaster.
While the MK Conservatives spend their time making up ridiculous lies about scrapping weekly bin collections or plans for growth, we are proposing a plan for real change.
The local elections in May are an opportunity for the people of Milton Keynes to choose a positive plan to make our city a better place, while sending a message to Rishi Sunak and our Conservative MPs that enough is enough and it's time for a change."