From MK Council - ''We’re enormously grateful to everyone who supported the bid, including the knowledgeable people and organisations who helped us create 40 pages of compelling reasons why Milton Keynes should become a city.
We produced the bid ourselves, without the aid of consultants and external designers. You can read it at
There was a wealth of public support for the bid, and we’re also saying a big thank you to all the residents who submitted photographs of their favourite local places and to local school pupils who designed a ‘flag for MK’. The flag created by 12-year-old Thea Callaghan from St Paul’s Catholic School was chosen to represent MK in the bid and was also made into a real flag to fly in the city centre.
While city status doesn’t grant any additional functions, funding, or powers, it can provide a boost to local communities and open new opportunities, as well as putting Milton Keynes on the international map as a place to do business. This has been the experience of previous winners.
Minister of State Lord True has written to us to confirm the honour, saying we should be very proud as the standard of applications was very high. He said: “It has been truly inspiring to read the applications, and to see the sense of civic pride on display. As we celebrate the first British Monarch to reach 70 years on the throne, this competition has been a very fitting way to mark this very special occasion.
Almost 40 places entered a bid, and Milton Keynes is among eight new cities created, as for the first time first time the competition was also open to applicants from Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies.
This is a fantastic recognition for our brilliant city and people. Later this year we’ll receive a Royal visit to be formally bestowed with city status. Watch this space for more about that.''