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MK Lib Dems back call for climate action now

Local Lib Dems have backed a letter sent to the COP26 climate change summit signed by hundreds of local councillors across the country calling on more power for local government to tackle climate change.

Councillor Robin Bradburn, Liberal Democrat Group Leader on MK Council, said: “What the country has faced during the COVID-19 pandemic will pale in comparison to the economic and social impacts of climate breakdown if we do not take action immediately. The latest UK Climate Risk Assessment concluded that the UK is “woefully underprepared” for the impacts of climate change that will hit the country.

“The UK’s net zero targets can only be achieved if Government and local authorities work seamlessly together. More than half of the emissions cuts needed rely on people and businesses taking up low-carbon solutions – solutions around buildings, energy and transport - decisions that are made at a local and individual level.

“With 9 out of 10 councils having declared a climate emergency, full support from the Prime Minister and his government is needed to make sure local ambitions become a reality.”

Liberal Democrat Local Government Spokesperson Councillor Pippa Heylings, speaking at the COP26 summit said: “The UK cannot meet net zero without local councils. Councils have influence over a third of the UK’s carbon emissions. We need to be able to work together with central government on this. Over 350 Liberal Democrat Councillors have signed this letter calling on the Prime Minister to take action.”


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