The city’s Corporate Pancake Day Race is back for another year of flipping fun, and local companies had ‘batter’ hurry if they want to secure a place.

Organised as a way to raise money for activities at the Milton Keynes Rose, the traditional races take place at Campbell Park on Shrove Tuesday, 13th February, from 11.30am. Plus, this year will see the welcome return of a Para-Pancake Race, following the successful debut in 2023.
Teams are invited to sign up and compete for the title of ‘MK Corporate Pancake Day Race Winner’, an accolade currently held by MK College. Entry is just £65 per team of four colleagues, competing in heats before the top teams go head-to-head in the grand final. Keeping up with the traditions of the
Olney Pancake Race, teams need to come dressed to toss… with frying pan, headscarf and apron.
The Milton Keynes Rose was opened in 2013 and, last year, was central to MK Food Bank’s World
Record breaking MK CAN. It provides all local people and organisations with a place to celebrate, contemplate and commemorate the things that are significant to them.
Commenting on the upcoming race, Julie Dawes, Events and Community Engagement Manager at The Parks Trust, said “We’re excited to once again invite local businesses and organisations to join the annual race, that puts the fun in fundraising - all of which funds special projects and future pillars at the MK Rose. The pillars are a great reflection of our diverse community, recording dates of events associated with Milton Keynes’ past and present.”

Debbie Brock, Chair of the Milton Keynes Rose Trust adds “Together with our Parks Trust partners, we’re proud of the Shrove Tuesday pillar and traditions – it’s a fantastic fixture in the Milton Keynes Rose Calendar, and we can’t wait to see which teams will win the 2024 trophies.”
100% of entry fees paid by participating businesses will go to this very special cause. More information, including sign-up details can be found on
Entries close on Monday 5 February 2024. Spaces filled up very quickly last year, so it’s recommended to sign-up as soon as possible.