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More children offered preferred school place in 2021

More children have been allocated their first preference compared to last year

Thousands of MK pupils find out today (1 March) which secondary school they’ll be moving to in September. A record number of children (95%) were offered a place at one of their preferred schools whilst (79%) have secured a place at their first preference school.

Milton Keynes Council received 3,669 applications by the 31 October deadline. This year, 197 children did not get allocated a preferred choice, compared to 257 children in 2020.

Councillor Zoe Nolan, Cabinet Member for Children and Families said: “In the past year, we’ve been working really closely with parents to help them understand the range of opportunities that are available in their local area. This has helped us to match a higher proportion of children with a preferred school place from September. We’re really proud of our local provision and that all MK children have access to a school place.”

“Milton Keynes remains a popular choice for families looking to settle in the region and we’ve created additional school places this year to further support growth in the Western Expansion Area.”

Of the applications received on time, three out of four of pupils (79%) received their first preference school. 8% of pupils received their second preference, 4% received their third preference school and 3% were allocated their fourth preference school.

A small number of late applications have been received which will be processed during April. Parents who still need to make an application should complete a late application form which is available on the council’s website at


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