You may have already read about a new emergency alerts system that gives the government and emergency services the ability to send alerts directly to mobile phones when there is a risk to life.

Each alert sounds a loud, siren-like warning on your mobile and gives details of the risk and instructions on how best to respond.
Emergency Alerts will be used very rarely, and only where there is an immediate risk to people’s lives. People may not receive an alert for years. The alerts are secure, free to receive, and one-way. They do not reveal anyone's location or collect personal data.
There will be a national test of the UK Emergency Alerts service on Sunday 23 April.
Due to the loud accompanying sound, it is possible to opt out of the alerts. It's not generally recommended but might be useful for some people, for instance those living with an abusive partner who keep a secret secondary mobile.
Refuge, the domestic abuse charity, has also created a video explaining the steps to follow.
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