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Police Numbers Confirmed By Police And Crime Commissioner

Conservative Press Release: On Monday, the Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner, Matthew Barber, confirmed that the number of new officers in Milton Keynes since the start of the National Uplift Programme in September 2019 is 78.

The figures, supplied by the Thames Valley Police Recruitment team show that at the end of January 2022, there were 78 more officers in MK and an additional 367 police officers in the Thames Valley Police region.

This number takes into consideration all officers recruited and those that have left, retired or transferred.

Previously, the Labour Party said that only 2 additional police officers have been hired, without providing any evidence, but the new figures show that they were intentionally misleading the public.

And a recently reported Freedom of Information Request failed to include additional officers who are based in MK and support the MK police force. That means officers such as road policing offers that patrol roads and specialist teams including force detectives who deal with major incidents were not shown in the FoI.

The PCC also said that another round of TVP recruitment had just opened.

Cllr Alex Walker, Leader of the Conservative Group, said:

“While Labour and the Lib Dems purposely mislead the public about police figures and blame others, Conservatives are continuing to deliver on our promise to recruit more police officers to protect and keep safe our communities.

“I am pleased the Police and Crime Commissioner has provided final clarification on the matter.

“I am pleased to hear that Thames Valley Police are recruiting even more police officers and that another round of recruitment is about to be underway.”


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