Chris Curtis, Labour’s candidate for Milton Keynes North, and Pete Marland, leader of Milton Keynes Council, have called on the government to block proposals for long-term storage of the UK’s higher activity radioactive waste in the city.

Nuclear Waste Services, the body responsible for managing the nuclear waste generated from UK power stations, has contacted Milton Keynes Council about an “interested party” who are looking to use a site on the North of the city.
Labour has also launched a petition to express local opposition to the plans, which will be sent to Claire Coutinho, the Secretary of State responsible for this area.
Chris Curtis, Labour’s Parliamentary candidate for Milton Keynes North, has said: “While we understand that nuclear waste needs to be disposed of, it obviously shouldn’t be done close to where people live. To propose a site that is close to two large population centres, Milton Keynes and Northampton, as well as many large villages, is reckless.”
“I hope that, for a change, our MP will put the interests of our city before his loyalty towards this failing government and strongly oppose these plans.”
Chris Curtis has also written to local MP Ben Everitt, demanding that he comes out against the proposal so that a cross party consensus can be built locally. The letter asks that Mr Everitt makes clear that he will resign on principle if the government pushes forward with the plans.
Pete Marland, leader of Milton Keynes Council has said:
“I want to make it clear that I categorically oppose these plans and will do everything within my power to block them.”
“Unfortunately, as this would be deemed a National Infrastructure project, the views of local people would be overridden in the decision-making process if the site was selected to proceed. Residents across our city need reassurance from the national government that this won’t happen.”