The sleepy village of Little Brickhill is due to be enlivened by a convoy of super cars from 10am on July 6th. Alongside the flawless paintwork, meticulous mods and impressive array of badges, the up and coming DJ Label OTD will be providing liquid drum and bass beats as the vibe cherry on top of an already thrilling morning!

This respectful (yet lively) event will be a combined effort to raise money for CF Trust and remember a very special villager; Bryn Williams, who lost his battle to Cystic Fibrosis at 31 years old in 2022. A joker who never took life too seriously, Bryn filled his time with laughter and gave endless help and support to everyone from life long friends… to strangers seeking car advice online. Each aspect of this car meet is a combined effort from those who personally knew Bryn - making it all the more impressive to see how far his personality reached.
In September, his sister, cousin and aunties are taking on Snowdon to fundraise for CF Trust - a charity working towards a brighter future for everyone with cystic fibrosis through cutting-edge research, driving up standards of care and supporting people with the condition and their loved ones. All proceeds of the car meet will be donated to the page: Click Here.

So, why not pop on down to this quaint corner of the City, feast your eyes on all kinds of rare cars, enjoy a hot bacon butty whilst you’re at it and check out the raffle stand or cake sale. You’ll definitely come away with a sense of who Bryn was, and will continue to be to many.