A major survey of local companies has shown that Milton Keynes College Group (MKCG) has a highly-tuned understanding of their needs.

The survey found that more than 80% of employers believed the College Group has a strong grasp of their sector, with almost two-thirds (65%) saying the Group comprehends the requirements of their particular business.
Sally Alexander, CEO and Principal of MKCG says, “Relationships with local employers are key to everything we do. Our role is to produce a pipeline of talent for the city’s workforce. That’s what we’re for. It’s only by having close relationships with business and listening and adapting to their needs that we can achieve that, and I’m delighted this survey suggests that’s exactly what we are doing.”
While MKCG trains and educates learners in a wide range of skills and competences, the survey also found that the engineering and manufacturing, digital and green sectors are the areas on which most employers rely on for providing new workers or broadening the skills of existing staff.
The research was carried out as part of a major initiative from the Department for Education called the Local Skills Improvement Fund (LSIF). MKCG was chosen by government officials to lead a series of projects involving five local colleges – Milton Keynes, Barnfield, Bedford College Group, Moulton and Northampton, collectively know as CoSEM, or the Colleges of the South East Midlands.
More than three-quarters of the employers surveyed described themselves as having a positive relationship with the college group, with just over two-thirds having taken the apprenticeship route for gaining trained staff.
Sally says, “Milton Keynes College Group is consistently training and educating more than 15,000 learners, and we’re currently growing in line with the expansion of the city. We’re dealing with 4,000 employers at any given time, so we appreciate that our role in supporting that growth is absolutely pivotal.
The College’s recent Ofsted report highlighted its expertise in meeting the skills gap faced by industry and business, saying it makes “a strong contribution” in that area. It says, “Senior leaders work very effectively in partnership with numerous stakeholders to identify, understand and contribute to meeting skills needs in the city, region and nationally.”
The Ofsted inspectors went on to say, the college was “rightly proud of the work it has done… lifting aspirations for the city and demonstrating to young people what they can hope to achieve locally.”
To find out more about how Milton Keynes College Group works with employers, visit Employers - MK College.