On Sunday 17th March, Milton Keynes Mayor Mick Legg took part in a half marathon to raise money for Harry’s Rainbow.

The Mayor proudly completed his 13.1 mile run in around 2 hours 30 minutes alongside charity CEO Odette Mould, after six months of training.
Harry’s Rainbow have been supporting bereaved children in Milton Keynes since 2011 and aims to give bereaved children a brighter tomorrow by providing range of bereavement support services such as support groups, activities, trips, and short breaks, as well as key information and guidance through its social networking sites, website and podcast.
87 runners took part in the event for the charity, with the team raising £15,000 collectively.
Mayor of Milton Keynes, Councillor Mick Legg, said:
“I’m feeling very proud and blown away after running my first half marathon in support of our wonderful charity. It was great to see such a huge turnout with over 87 runners taking part in the event and training for six months. Harry’s Rainbow is a fantastic charity and the money raised collectively will help support over 24 years for the next year.”
Odette Mould, CEO of Harry’s Rainbow, said:
“There are so many people we want to thank for either taking part or supporting us throughout, including the Mayor of Milton Keynes, who I feel has gone above and beyond by running a half marathon to show his belief in our cause. I believe he’s the first Milton Keynes Mayor to run a half-marathon during their time in office, so it’s an amazing achievement and raising much needed funds for bereaved children.”
The fundraiser can be found here (https://www.justgiving.com/page/mayor-of-milton-keynes-harrysrainbow)