Are you dog tired of not being listened to by your beloved canine companion? Do you want your dog to have a rewarding and enriching life playing off-lead but are worried that they won’t come back? Or perhaps you have a reactive dog and are fed up with people telling you that their out-of-control dog approaching is ‘friendly’.

If so, following the howling success of the last one, you will be delighted to hear that the Recall Weekend is coming back to Milton Keynes on the 8th of July organised by PupClub, a dog training organisation driven by a mission to help promote dog safety throughout the area.
This has come on the back of PupClub having previously teamed up with organisations such as Milton Keynes Parks Trust to help educate, inform, and support the public about keeping our dogs and the wider public safe.
If there is one issue that causes dog owners most anxiety it is recall. No wonder, as if a dog won’t reliably come back, then they simply shouldn’t be off the lead. A failed recall can lead to dangers both to your own dog, as well as causing distress to other dogs and people.
Following a deluge of appreciative and positive feedback, PupClub have decided to run another Recall Weekend with the aim to equip dog owners with a range of tools to add speed and reliability in recalling their dogs (see for more details including how to register for the event).
But if you have wider training needs, then PupClub (not just for Puppies) has gained a stellar reputation for offering a unique dog training experience from a 5-star rated team of expert trainers.
Dan Cheung, the Head Trainer at the club, founded PupClub during lockdown with a vision of plugging the gaps he noticed when training his own dogs, as well as seeing the tragically high number of reactive dogs he encountered out on walks.

Too often clients find that support with training and socialisation ends when they leave a session and then falls apart in real-life scenarios.
So, Dan’s vision for PupClub was to provide a unique service where owners and their dogs enjoy continuous and holistic support through organised walks, social dining experiences and supervised socialisation and play sessions.
There is tailored support for dogs of any age, of any breed with any training or behaviour need. From the ‘Perfect Puppy’ course to one-to-one sessions with reactive dogs, their clients have continuously testified to success in empowering them to build the confidence and focus of their dogs. Pupclub also offer general obedience and socialisation training to a very high level.
Programs and sessions are tiered at different stages, to maximise the benefit to dogs at every level. Alongside this telephone support is available as well as an online app providing guidance and support with training 24/7.
The club also offers four levels of general obedience training: building the skills and confidence of both dogs and handlers in a progressive and comprehensive program from a rock solid ‘sit’ all the way up to scent-work, trailing and a whole suite of training manoeuvres that will leave other dog-walkers in the park pawsitively panting with jealousy.
Members of PupClub gain access to a large and supportive community of dog lovers; some of whom will have already experienced the problems you may be going through and are ready and willing to provide invaluable support and understanding.
The team at PupClub believe that the service sells itself, so for anyone interested they offer a no obligation 28-day boot camp to accelerate training without any commitment beyond this.
To find out more, talk to one of the trainers or read the many glowing testimonials (as well as download a free Puppy Pack) then please visit us at: