If you are interested in auditioning for 'Not A Game For Girls' by Benjamin Peel and presented by Pepper's Ghost please get in touch.

Auditions take place on 11th February, 2pm - 6pm at The Bath House, Wolverton. Not A Game For Girls tells the remarkable story of the Dick, Kerr Ladies F.C - one of the first female football teams that levelled the playing field for women's football today.
From playing in front of thousands and representing England in the first international women's game against France to being banned by The F.A, the Dick, Kerr Ladies F.C played against all odds and raised awareness of women’s football.
If you'd like to help us continue telling their incredible success story, come and audition. We're looking for the following cast:
Florrie Redford 17-20
Jessie Walmsley/Daisy 17-20
Betty Williams mid to late 20s Lily Parr 16-20
Alice Stanley (nee Woods) 17-20
Mrs Woods /Pub Singer – late 20s – early 30s
Mrs Parr/ Madelaine Ourry – 30s
Len Williams/ Doctor Fred/ The Minister – 30s- early 40s
Jack Holmes Mid 30s
Alfred Frankland 40s
Herbert Stanley 20s
Referee who chalks up scores - 20s- 30s
Please contact producer Rosemary Hill on rosemarychill@btinternet.com as soon as possible.
Hope to see you soon.